Gem install jekyll error loading ruby gems plugin
Gem install jekyll error loading ruby gems plugin

gem install jekyll error loading ruby gems plugin gem install jekyll error loading ruby gems plugin

Ot find gem 'rake (~> 12.3.3)' in locally installed gems. Guys, I was deploying version on the server by using capistrano gem but it informing me Could not find rake-12.3.1 in any of the sources after that I used bundle update to update the bundle and my. You can rename the folder, such as tale-blog.īelow shows the directory structure of tale-blog: I prefer Tale and use it as the theme of this site. Installing ri documentation for jekyll-4.2.0ĭone installing documentation for public_suffix, addressable, colorator, eventmachine, http_parser.rb, em-websocket, concurrent-ruby, i18n, ffi, sassc, jekyll-sass-converter, rb-fsevent, rb-inotify, listen, jekyll-watch, kramdown, kramdown-parser-gfm, liquid, mercenary, forwardable-extended, pathutil, rouge, safe_yaml, unicode-display_width, terminal-table, jekyll after 59 secondsĪlthough it is necessary to read the docs, I think it is faster to start with a good theme created by others. Installing ri documentation for terminal-table-2.0.0 You can ignore it right now.) gem install jekyll bundler. (Note that bundler is a package manager for ruby, similar to npm for node.js.

gem install jekyll error loading ruby gems plugin

Install Jekyll using gem install jekyll bundler. Written by Gaoping on OctoTags: Jekyll Using Jekyll Themes and hosting on Although there are plenty of guides introducing Jekyll and Github pages, such as Jonathan’s great guide, I would like to record my own preferred way. Using Jekyll Themes and hosting on

Gem install jekyll error loading ruby gems plugin